Student Support Services

At Apex, we believe our student-focused accessible support systems are the foundation of our exceptional student experience. We understand that adjusting to life in a new country and meetin class=”mb-0″g academic requirements may be more difficult for some students than others. Accordingly, we are committed to ensuring that our students are actively supported – both personally and academically.

Student support services are available on campus and online. On this page we have included information on the types of student support services, resources for specific support required, and contact details of student support team.

Our Student Handbook contains important information our student policies, student support services (including accommodation and jobs assistance) and orientation information.

Speak to an Apex Adviser Student Handbook Student Support Services Policy


As a student of Apex Institute of Education (AIE) we provide support services to help you to adjust to life and study at AIE and to give you the best opportunity to complete your course successfully.

This includes:

  • providing an age and culturally appropriate orientation program
  • assisting you with course progress and providing access to services that enable you to complete your studies
  • providing access to welfare-related support services and referrals to external agencies where appropriate
  • having critical incident policy and procedures and staff to respond to incidents in a timely manner to support students
  • having a designated staff member (currently the Student Services Officer) who will act as a point of contact for students to enable them to access support services available at Apex
  • having sufficient support staff available to meet the needs of students
  • ensuring that the staff members you may interact with, are fully aware of their obligations under the ESOS framework.

Contact Student Support

Apex Student Support is your first contact point for any support matters. Our friendly Student Support Team is here to help you settle into life on campus.  They can help with study guidance and planning, workshops and events, student welfare and all our support services. 

Our Student Support Team can be reached:

  • at Campus – ask to speak to a Student Support Officer at Reception
  • by phone – call 8007 6262 and ask to speak to a Student Support Officer
  • by email –

The Student Support Officer will provide the required support or forward your support request to the relevant staff.

You may wish to discuss issues relating to topics similar to those below with the student support services officer:

  • Adjusting to life and culture in Australia
  • Homesickness
  • Accommodation
  • Opening bank accounts and applying for TFNs
  • Work-related issues
  • Assistance with language problems
  • Course progress and attendance requirements
  • Personal matters such as religion, domestic violence, unplanned pregnancy, victim or witness of a crime etc.

Internal support services will be provided to you at no extra cost.

Where the Student Support Officer feels further support may be required, a referral to an appropriate support service or relevant professional will be organised. Students will be advised of any fees and charges for an external service prior to using such services.

Contact Us

Academic Support

Whether you require assistance in understanding an assessment question or would like someone to give you feedback on your assignment before you submit it, our qualified Trainers/Assessors (all of whom are qualified and experienced) at every campus would love to help.

To seek academic support, you may reach out to your trainer directly during class or you may email, call or visit our student support team who can arrange the support for you.

External Counselling Service

We are here to support you throughout your studies, and student wellbeing is our number one priority. Our Student Support Staff is able to assist in times of stress or pressure during the course. You may speak to a student support officer advice relating to study, such as:

  • Time management issues;
  • Setting and achieving learning goals;
  • Motivation;
  • Ways of learning;
  • Self-care

If the need for additional counselling services arises, the student support officer will refer to you an external counselling service.

Internal support services will be provided to you at no extra cost. Where further support may be required, a referral to an appropriate support service or relevant professional will be organised. Students will be advised of any fees and charges for an external service prior to using such services.


As a new student, we want to make sure you feel warmly welcomed into the APEX family. Orientation is held 2 weeks prior to your first term and is a great opportunity to meet key staff members and your new peers. You’ll also receive further information on your studies, facilities and support services on campus, to ensure you have the best possible start to your educational adventure.

Student Handbook


Our campuses facilities have been designed to ensure our students feel safe, happy and welcome on campus.

As you walk into our campuses, you’ll be greeted by the friendly Staff and Student Support Team. All our staff will ensure that we maximize the engagement of our students and you get the best experience possible during your time at Apex Australia. Our classrooms are designed specifically to cater to small to medium class sizes, allowing our skilled and experienced trainers/assessors to provide the support you need.

There is a library at each campus from which you can borrow course relevant books and reference materials. You will also have access to extensive online databases.

Our campuses provide easily accessible IT resources including Wi-Fi, computer labs and printing and photocopying facilities. You will have access to online learning materials and receive feedback on assignments through ‘aXcelerate’ – your personalised online Student Portal.

Our student lounges/common areas are a great place to meet your peers or to relax between classes.

Student Feedback

Apex Australia is steadfast in its commitment to seek out opportunities to improve the student experience. Accordingly, students will be invited to provide feedback through the online learning system for each unit they complete providing students with the opportunity to identify aspects of our training and delivery that were done well and those that require improvement. We also encourage students to provide general feedback about Apex Australia. The online learning system also includes features for ongoing feedback from students, explained to them during their Orientation. All feedback is collected anonymously.

In week 9 of each term, Apex Australia has a week dedicated to receiving feedback from our students. Over many years, dozens upon dozens of fantastic changes have taken place directly from student feedback. During ‘Feedback Week’ you’ll see online and on-campus surveys, posters, suggestions boxes and more all across campus that give you the opportunity to influence the future of Apex Australia and your own student experience.

Complaints and Appeals

At Apex Australia, we’re determined to ensure you have a fantastic experience and you are successful in your studies.  We will always endeavour to find solutions for you, but if you don’t feel satisfied with the solutions we have provided, there is a formal Complaints and Appeals Policy and process available to all students.

Complaints and Appeals Policy

Personal Safety

Despite Australia being one of the safest countries in the world, it’s vital we give students the tools and information to keep themselves safe. Our WHS Policy and Procedures as well as the Bullying and Harassment Policy and Procedures are a good start for every student to read and ask staff about more information if they require it.

Work Health and Safety Policy and Procedures

Important Contacts

Emergency Services

Police / Ambulance / Fire Brigade

000 / 112 / 106

Police Assistance Line (24 hours)

131 444

Crime Stoppers (24 hours)

Report Crime Anonymously

1800 333 000

Health and Medical Services

Home Doctor Service

137 425 – 13SICK (24 hrs)

Health Australia Direct (24hrs health advice)

1800 022 222

Pregnancy Health and Baby

1800 882 436

1800 RESPECT National Counselling Hotline

1800 737 732

Rape Crisis and Sexual Assault Hotline

1800 424 017 (Sydney)

Poisons Information Centre

131 126

Mental Health/Help with Depression and Homesickness


03 9027 0100

Beyond Blue (24 hrs counsellor)

1300 224 636


131 114

Legal Aid

Legal Aid

Monday to Friday 9.00am to 5.00pm

1300 888 529 (NSW)

Legal Advice Hotline

(7am to midnight, 7 days)

1300 636 846

Australian Human Rights Commission

1300 656 419

Important Contact Details of Government Bodies

Australian Taxation Office

131 165

Fair Work Ombudsman

131 394

Overseas Student Ombudsman

1300 362 072

Department of Home Affairs

131 881

International Students Information

Student Accommodation

1800 161 901

Insider Guides

08 8277 1895

Translation Services

131 450

Talk to us about your
future at Apex Australia

Or you can also contact us here